Saturday, December 20, 2008

Five More Days

Wow I can't believe how quick Christmas got here! All of our shopping is done. We are not getting too many gifts for everyone this year adult wise. I mailed off Sean and Kirsten's presents yesterday and they should get them by Wednesday. Just in time. Shew!
I'm going to try to start wrapping presents today. The boys' at least. I am still waiting on the calendars to come in for the Grandparents. Christmas Eve we are going to Amber's since she works all day on Chrsitmas. Peg works until the evening of the Eve. We will be staying at home that night to sleep. I can't wait to see Gabriel's face after Santa comes!
Daycare had their Christmas party yesterday and I hope Angela posts some pics. She had Santa there. Last week she had to Zoomobile come and Gabriel pet a snake and got to see a hedgehog, parrot, ferret, tarantula, centipede and some bones and antlers.
Now daycare is on vacation so Mom will be helping with the boys for a few days. I only work two days next week and three the week after. Woohoo!

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