Saturday, May 16, 2009

Things To Do

The list is so long. I feel like I will never have my head above water for quite sometime.

Here is my list:

Pull weeds

Plant the shrubs

Organize the garage

Finish odds and ends in the boys' room

Unpack completely

mop the floors

Organize the spare room/IMH office

Complete what is needed to stay IRS compliant for IMH

lose weight (just thought I'd throw that in)

Make the care packages needed for Children's Hospital that were requested

Keep bugging my ex about needing final dates for Kirsten to come out in July

Buy a fireproof safe or figure out where to keep important documents now that we're homeowners

Decide if I'm ever going to use all this tupperware

Clean the inside of my car

Figure how to get the dog to stop excreting in the house

Take the dog to get her overdue shot

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